Build Trust and Foster Collaboration on Campus

Join our free webinar for actionable strategies.

High Schools

We offer free resources for individual educators designed to cultivate trust, foster belonging, and facilitate dialogue on challenging topics. Administrators can contact us to learn about partnerships to support school-wide initiatives.


Ideological Conflicts Are Impacting Student Success

Politics are increasingly disrupting classrooms, as debates over policies and curricula add stress to teachers and administrators and compromise learning. With tensions unlikely to ease in the near future, constructive dialogue skills become crucial — helping students, educators, administrators, and parents communicate across differences and bolster student success and belonging.


Perspectives - Our Blended Learning Program

Our evidence-based blended learning program equips students with the mindset and skills for constructive dialogue. Proven effective in randomized controlled trials,Perspectivescan help your students strengthen their critical thinking, communication, and collaboration skills.

Perspectives includes 30-minute asynchronous lessons and optional peer-to-peer exercises that teachers can easily assign as homework. A user-friendly instructor dashboard and graded quizzes will allow you to track student progress and test comprehension. The program  isfree for individual educators and their students. 


A School-Wide Culture of Dialogue

In addition toPerspectives for students, we offer resources that equip educators and staff with the skills and confidence to facilitate dialogue.

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    Professional Development

    Our professional development empowers teachers to facilitate dialogue and incorporate dialogue-based pedagogy into your classrooms.

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    Our robust analytics provide administrators with insights into school-wide or district climate, enabling you to track progress in key areas over time.

Follow Our Work

Sign up for our higher education newsletter to get regular updates on our research, product releases, and the science & practice of constructive dialogue.

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