Build Trust and Foster Collaboration on Campus

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Research & Impact

We translate the latest behavioral science research into educational tools that are evidence-based, practical, and scalable.

Grounded In Research

At CDI, research is central to our organizational DNA. We begin by developing our educational tools based on cutting-edge behavioral science research. Then, we rigorously evaluate the effectiveness of our tools to iterate and improve them on an ongoing basis. Lastly, we conduct original research to elevate the value of constructive dialogue and disseminate new insights to the public.

We are the only offering in the constructive dialogue field with evidence from randomized controlled trials demonstrating our effectiveness.


Growing Our Impact

We launched in 2017 by developing educational tools for use in college classrooms. Today, our research-based tools are used in hundreds of institutions across the country, including universities, high schools, companies, philanthropies, nonprofits, religious communities, and local governments.

Through our work, we seek to strengthen our civic culture by helping people recognize our shared humanity, embrace our differences as strengths, and work together to solve collective challenges.


Our Reach

Our goal is to create meaningful impact at scale by promoting constructive dialogue in schools, campuses, and workplaces across the US. To date, we've reached:


Case Studies

Discover the impact on individual students, classrooms, and workplaces where our tools have been implemented.

Research Publications

Dig into the research about the effectiveness of our tools.

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